The Moonreach Ethos

The philosophy of care at Moonreach reflects our deep belief that children and young people have the right to be cared for in a stable, secure environment. By drawing on the experiences of both the Responsible Individual and our managers, Moonreach endeavours to provide a positive living experience for every child in placement. The care will promote the wellbeing of the individual and give the child special time to come to terms with the difficulties in their lives and move towards a more positive future. Our care is child centred and the staff demonstrate a solution-focused model of working, thus empowering the child to make decisions that will improve their life chances.

The outcome will be achieved by the level of support offered to children and those in close contact with them. Interactive social skills are encouraged to aid a child’s development and ultimately help them move on to independent living. The promotion of self-worth is encouraged by everyone and is promoted as a priority by all staff within the home. Children are encouraged to enjoy and take care of their own living spaces. Their privacy is respected, where appropriate and this complements the more actively organised time they spend with us.

If a child has a particular interest, this is encouraged and developed. As the aim of the home is to help stabilise and support to eventually move on to independent living within the community as soon as they feel able and confident in doing so, any problems, difficulties, or challenges identified during the stay in the Moonreach setting are addressed, and the child is taught skills that may be used to help in these situations. It is important that we temper and bring perspective to the activity experienced while at Moonreach and the real world the child will move on to. There is structure to the day and appropriate levels of routine to reflect expectations of independent living.

Achievable goals are set to be achieved. Inappropriate behaviour is challenged and behaviour warranting praise is commended as a means of establishing boundaries. Moonreach adults support and help the child to gain the skills that they will need for independent living. An independence plan and skills assessment plan are completed with the child to help them achieve this when it becomes appropriate. Moonreach promotes planning for permanence and works from an attachment-based model. We offer a free outreach service to all of the children that move on from Moonreach, dependent on the needs of the individual, to ensure that their move to the next part of their lives is as smooth as possible.


The philosophy of care at Moonreach reflects our deep belief that children  have the right to be cared for in a stable, secure environment.

Educational Provision at Moonreach

Moonreach promotes and plans for appropriate education for each individual child, dependent on their needs. Whilst we don't have our own in-house education team, we have built good working relationships with local schools and will provide support for individual young people within their educational setting. Our small, family-style homes allow each child to have space within the home to study, with separate lounge areas, kitchen with dining tables, and individual bedrooms. As each child is given one-to-one supervision and care, it allows them to have support and assistance with any home study.

A child's religious needs are an important part of their personal development. Moonreach aims to promote these needs by ensuring that all young people have the opportunity to practice their own religious beliefs. Religious needs are assessed at the point of admission, and the key worker will research the community to ensure that the child receives the appropriate support for whichever religious beliefs the parent holds. The staff are sensitive to the dietary needs, religious days, and places of worship for the young people. Because of the nature of the care system, many persons have had a fragmented experience with religion. If a parent wants to re-establish their religious beliefs, we will actively help them to do so. Most religions and denominations are catered for within Deal and nearby neighbouring towns.