Our Admissions Process

Standard Admissions

  1. Telephone contact from placing social worker.
  2. During conversation, it will be identified if Moonreach can provide an appropriate placement.
  3. Referral form sent and social worker agrees to complete form and send all relevant information, including the most recent review minutes or core assessment.
  4. Once the completed referral form is received, the placing social worker and child will be invited to visit the home. The social worker will take a copy of the children’s guide with them to discuss the home.
  5. Placement will only be discussed with the child when a mutual agreement is reached between the social worker and Moonreach staff members that Moonreach is appropriate.
  6. The residential provider will then visit the social worker at the appropriate offices and discuss timescales, overnight stays, and funding etc.
  7. A key worker will be identified and the social worker will liaise directly with them regarding the child.
  8. A review will be held within the first month to assess progress. This meeting will take place at a mutually convenient location to all parties. At that meeting, there will be a request for a commitment from the social worker to visit on a regular basis.

Emergency Admissions

  • Moonreach will only accept emergency admissions at our discretion where appropriate and reasonable.
  • Our primary concern, immediately upon admission, is to settle the child into their new surroundings.
  • Within the first 24 hours, we develop an initial care plan which is finalised within seven days of emergency admission.
  • It is a prerequisite of any emergency admission that formal arrangements are already in place for a full and formal medical assessment of the child within 24 hours of their admission.
  • Upon emergency admission, Moonreach's standard, non-emergency admission processes (as described above) will apply.
  • All emergency referrals will be risk assessed, taking into consideration any child already in placement. Risk assessments will be made in light of children already in place within the unit. All adults have knowledge and awareness of risk assessments and relevant policies.